UK matches established US growth benchmarks for TWO MEN AND A TRUCK® start-ups
TWO MEN AND A TRUCK® franchise owners in the UK are celebrating after matching the growth benchmarks for start-ups in the more established markets in the US and Canada.
John Murphy, Managing Director for TWO MEN AND A TRUCK® in the UK explains: “In the USA TWO MEN AND A TRUCK® is a well-established brand with over 30 years trading history to draw on. In comparison, we’re at the start of our trading in the UK, yet the network of franchisees we’ve developed have matched the benchmarks set by the start-ups in the US. This is proof that the system has transferred well to the UK and we can expect future growth patterns to follow the US model.”

The company has always focused on the bottom line to build successful franchises and benchmarks performance to measure and encourage success. The annual benchmark survey is recognised as one of the most useful documents in the TWO MEN AND A TRUCK® system as it lists best practices and key performance metrics.
This year’s survey demonstrates that the UK franchise owners are very much on pace with their US counterparts and in terms of revenue they’ve actually out-performed the US average for first year franchise owners.
One of the key measures of success is a franchise’s ability to manage the three major cost categories of direct labour, truck expenses and support staff. The aim is for these to equate to 60% of the revenue during the first year. In the first quarter of 2015, traditionally the slowest part of the year and therefore the most challenging quarter in which to control costs, UK franchise owners kept these cost categories to 63% of revenue on average.
The benchmark survey tracks information that helps the whole network to sustain continuous improvement and maintain its competitive advantage. Being armed with this level of data is one of the greatest assets of being a franchise owner in the TWO MEN AND A TRUCK® system.