
Specsavers find great value in AdPlenty’s automated local Facebook advertising

Central and local advantages

Specsavers have gained both central and local advantages by shifting to AdPlenty’s marketing platform. They can – among other things – mass produce Facebook campaigns with a very limited amount of resources. At a store level, employees can easily book a highlight targeted campaign in their local area.

Specsavers Optical Group Ltd is a large British multinational optical retail chain, which in Denmark operates its business through its subsidiary Louis Nielsen. Specsavers’ marketing efforts are organised as follows; the national campaigns are handled centrally from the headquarters while additional advertising is an interplay between national and local campaigns. This could be advertisements that promote messages such as available times for eye tests, city or store specific events and birthday celebrations. Previously, Specsavers used an automated marketing solution for Facebook advertising but they did not find its tools agile nor intuitive to navigate. That’s why they started searching for a replacement and found it in AdPlenty, says Rikke Rømer who is a Digital Marketing Manager at Specsavers.

AdPlenty tool

“AdPlenty’s marketing platform has a nice design and is easy to use. Compared to what we came from, it feels like a big upgrade for us and our partners in our stores,” she says and explains that with AdPlenty they have gotten access to data dashboards and visualisation options that did not exist in their previous marketing solution. “For instance, the platform provides us with great insights on how a campaign is performing – whether we are reaching our primary target audience or not and which campaign templates resonate best among the different audiences,” says Rikke Rømer.

She adds that the local partners can, with only a few clicks, book a tailored campaign using one of the platform’s many templates which all comply with Specsavers’ brand guidelines. When a campaign is created, the local marketing managers at Specsavers receive a notification so they can run through the campaign, edit mistakes and approve it. Because of this, AdPlenty’s approval flow ensures that both central and local interests are accommodated.

“We have defined a catchment area for each store. It is a geographical definition of a store’s target audience within its local area. Based on the store’s catchment area, we have built three different media packages – a small, a medium and a large – with different reach objectives, in the postal codes the specific store wants to advertise within,” Rikke Rømer explains.

“One big advantage is that stores don’t have to deal with or understand the technical aspects of digital advertising. All they have to do is select the predefined media packages and then let the business logic of AdPlenty maximize the effect of their advertising spend”, she says.


One of the product features that Specsavers find great value in is that they can create multi bookings. Instead of creating the same campaign for multiple stores, headquarters can set up one campaign and activate it for all stores which saves the local marketing managers a lot of time. Specsavers also uses AdPlenty as a content calendar throughout the year. Leading up to Black Friday, Halloween, Christmas and other seasonal campaigns they can pre-book all of their online advertising on the platform so they won’t be overwhelmed with local marketing tasks when they are at their busiest with national campaigns.

AdPlenty campaign


  • Resource demanding to handle local advertising
  • Missing a data dashboard overview
  • Local compliance with brand guidelines


  • Local ownership in stores
  • Easy-to-understand media packages when booking
  • Intuitive platform for local partners
  • Ability to make multibookings across stores

In addition to the Danish market, Aplenty works with Specsavers in Sweden, Norway, Finland, The Netherlands, Canada, Australia and New Zealand.

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