NGI Franchise Funding

Growing Your Own Business

We help franchisees raise finance and devise lender-friendly business plans for new franchisee recruits as they set up and develop their businesses.



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Finding the right finance can be a real stumbling block for prospective franchisees – and a major challenge for franchisors hoping to recruit them.

Without the right savings or finance package, most people can’t afford to become new franchisees, and without them, the franchised business model is going nowhere.

That’s a chicken-and-egg situation we’re dedicated to breaking at NGI Franchise Funding, drawing on our vast experience in business finance and working with successful franchise businesses.

We’ll continue helping franchisees raise finance and devising lender-friendly business plans for new franchisee recruits as they set up and develop their businesses.

As 99% of our past funding applications succeeded, franchisees and franchisors may well consider us a safe bet, not least because we have relationships with a wide range of funding providers across the UK.

We will develop business-plans for franchisees, bespoke to their circumstances, assess their potential performance and suggest ways of making the business as financially efficient as possible, potentially saving money and driving performance every step of the way.

We understand the lending landscape. Our team are in constant contact with our diverse panel, keeping up to date with appetite across brands and industries which enables us to add significant value at our first interaction with a prospective franchisee. We can delve into the detail of a candidates financial background and quickly establish if there is a potential match on our panel or if the finance hurdle is slightly too high at this moment in time.

As independent experts, we’re used to coming up with all sorts of solutions from straightforward business loans to complex financial packages from a mix of lenders.

Hands up who wouldn’t want a way to help new franchisees hit their break-even point even faster? Different forms of finance can help them do just that, and we know exactly how to source it, as well as holding their hand throughout the application process. 

No two franchisees are in the same situation, we tailor our advice and our solutions around their individual circumstances.

Funders’ tastes and willingness to lend can turn on a sixpence, so using us as your financial partner can save a lot of wasted effort and, more importantly, a lot of wasted time when you need to get new franchisees up and running instead of seeing them running for the hills as yet another lender rejects them.

We’ll be there for you, helping you make your franchise fly. Contact the team today to learn more about how we can support you and assist you in realising your franchising ambitions.

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