Taking up a franchise opened the door to working in business

When Tim Rylatt left the police force in 2008 after ten years’ service, he was frustrated to find that many of the skills and qualifications he had gained as a police officer were not recognised by recruitment agencies. Finding employment was proving to be a challenge.
A conversation with his father prompted Tim to investigate the idea of investing in a franchise, something he hadn’t considered before.
He explains: “As someone with no experience or knowledge of being a business owner, the franchise model appealed because I could get training and support within an already successful business structure.”
Tim continues: “ActionCOACH held specific appeal to me, as they are an organisation which helps business owners worldwide to become successful. I would be able to help people, as well as learn myself, through my work!”
Now in his ninth year as a co-owner of an ActionCOACH franchise with his wife, Juliet, Tim has been able to apply all he’s learned so that he can run the franchise in half the time it took a year ago. Tim comments: “Flexibility in working hours is a key appeal of franchise business ownership.”
With continued year-on-year growth, such is the level of Tim’s success with ActionCOACH that he has been able to establish another independent business venture of his own.
Tim’s advice to anyone at the early stages of considering going into business with a franchise is this:
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