Platinum Property Partners franchise celebrates RTPI Chartered Membership
Platinum Property Partners celebrate after their Planning & Sustainability Consultant is awarded Chartered Membership of the Royal Town Planning Institute.
Platinum Property Partners’ Mahsa Khaneghahp lays a critical role at the property franchise, providing vital support to Platinum’s partners on complex issues surrounding planning legislation, strategy, and consent, as well as ensuring that sustainable urban development is a key focus.
Chartered Membership of the Institute is the most highly sought-after professional status for planners and demonstrates that they work to the highest

professional and ethical standards.
Mahsa, who also holds an MSc in Global Urban Development and Planning with a highly commended performance in Planning and Environmental Management, said: “Working towards Chartered status through the pandemic has been a blessing but not without its difficulties!
“I’d like to thank everyone at Platinum for supporting me through this journey, especially my mentor Alison Broderick for teaching me so much.
“I’m committed to the process of creating spaces where we can thrive, play and feel part of a community – doing so in a sustainable and accessible way!”
Head of Platinum at Platinum Property Partners Rich Wingfield added: “Mahsa is such an important and inspirational member of our team and the crucial role she plays in helping our partners navigate the legal minefield of planning can’t be underestimated.
“Chartered Membership is a huge achievement for her and a rich reward for her talent, values, focus and hard work.”
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