Fit4less Launches in Hatfield
Hundreds of locals turned out to celebrate the launch of the brand new Fit4less gym in Hatfield on Thursday 4th June.
Mayor of Hatfield, Cllr Lynne Sparks cut the ribbon to officially launch the gym on what proved to be a very prosperous night for the business. Franchisee Lateef Mirza commented: “We broke through 100 sales for the launch event and our sales manager is hard at work entering more as I speak. It was a fantastic launch and we look forward to operating a great club.”
Lateef added: “We appreciate everyone who came to our launch from Head Office and CEO Jan Spaticchia for taking the time to call from Spain. We were very well supported throughout the day and evening and of course in all the time taken to get us to this stage. Thanks very much indeed we could not have done this alone.”

You can start the journey to launching your very own Fit4less gym by finding out more here.